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Do I need to pay the ICO fee? Check now to find out.

· One min read
Founder of Palform

The ICO fee must be paid by all organisations and sole traders who process personal information, unless they are exempt.

Paying the data protection fee is important because it funds the ICO’s work providing advice and guidance about how to comply with the law – such as their online guidance, their telephone helpline, and their digital toolkits.

Fines for an overdue payment can range between £400 and £4,000, so paying the fee on time is really important!


Are you a non-UK business with some customers in the UK? You still need to comply with UK and EU data protection laws, and you probably need to pay the UK data protection fee.

Just because you're not based in the UK doesn't necessarily exempt you from UK laws and fees.

Use our form below to figure out whether you need to pay a fee, and if so, then how much. You can also open the form in a new tab.