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Planned features

We're always planning new features, and we welcome suggestions from our users. If there's something you'd find useful, please contact us and we'll add it to our list if it fits our project's aims.

These roadmap items are loosely ordered in terms of priority, with the top one being the most important.

More form display options

We want to create more integrated experiences, such as traditional-style form embeds, but also high-conversion options such as single-question popups that appear while browsing. This will allow you to gather immediate user opinions while remaining within our privacy safety net.

Even more branding customisation

We want to add background colours, patterns, gradients, etc, to make your forms look nice if you don't have an image to use as a background.

If there's anything else you want to be able to customise, please let us know.

Better webhook management and documentation

Right now, our webhooks are mostly undocumented and rely on quite a simple synchronous delivery system. We'll add a dedicated dashboard for configuring and managing webhooks, as well as detailed documentation on integrating them.

As mentioned below, we want to open source Palform in the long run. Because of this (and also to reduce operational costs) we want to avoid relying on third-parties for things like webhooks (e.g. Svix), so we'd rather engineer our own solution that fits our needs (and yours).

Descriptive statistics

Building on our existing stats/analysis features, we want to add more general analysis capabilities. For example, we could add a dedicated workflow for running an analysis on your dataset, preferably simplified so that those without mathematical experience can understand it.

Data tagging and browsing

Adding tags to your data can help when discussing it with colleagues, or just if you need to find interesting responses quickly.

We also want to add a search engine for your responses and a table-based view so you can see more if them at once. All of this has to happen locally in your browser, so it takes a lot of benchmarking and optimisation to implement these.

Custom domains

We already support custom subdomains of for paying customers, but we'd also like to add the ability to host a Palform completely on your own dedicated domain. This involves some more complexity (e.g. domain verification), but it's definitely a useful thing to have.