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Teams and permissions

Teams group together users (each with a specific role), forms, branding schemes, and associated assets. They're designed to help compartmentalise collaboration within larger organisations, and ensure more granular permissions can be configured easily.


Each organisation has a "Default team". This cannot be deleted, and will always contain all users of the organisation. New forms will, by default, be created in this organisation.

The permissions of each user within teams can be changed through the dashboard.

  • Viewers can view forms, responses, and all other resources within a team. They cannot make any changes whatsoever.
  • Editors can view everything but also make changes to all resources (e.g. creating a new form, editing a question, deleting a response, etc.)
  • Admins have all the permissions of Editors and are also able to add and remove users and change their permissions.

Making someone an Admin gives them the power to remove your Admin privileges! Use this permission level with caution

Organisation-level permissions

On an organisation-wide level, you can also be an Organisation Admin. This grants access to the following (amongst others):

  • Managing billing
  • Authentication settings
  • Viewing audit logs
  • Administrating teams you're not a member of
  • Managing other users' keys
  • Inviting users to the organisation
  • Removing users from the organisation

You can manage Organisation Admins from the Organisation > Members section of the dashboard. You cannot remove admin permissions from yourself.